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08/01/2018 - 22:38

Dyżur prof. Augustyniak w sesji

Prof. Urszula Augustyniak będzie dyżurować w dniu 29 stycznia br. w godzinach 10.30-11.30 w Zakładzie Historii Nowożytnej.

08/01/2018 - 22:34

Odwołany dyżur prof. Augustyniak w dniu 15 stycznia br.

Prof. Urszula Augustyniak odwołuje dyżur w dniu 15 stycznia br. ze względu na obronę rozprawy doktorskiej  mgr. K. Frejlicha.

03/01/2018 - 19:34

Paul Celan Fellowships 2018/2019 for translators

Deadline for application: March 18, 2018
The program supports translations of canonical texts, contemporary key works in the humanities, social sciences and cultural studies from Eastern to Western European languages or vice versa, or between two Eastern European languages. Special emphasis is put on translations of relevant works written by East European authors and/or female scholars. No applications for works of fiction and poetry are being accepted.

03/01/2018 - 19:32

Milena Jesenská Fellowships 2018/2019 for journalists

Deadline for application: February 24, 2018
The program offers European cultural journalists time off from their professional duties in order to pursue in-depth research on a topic of their choice. Applicants must have worked in print, broadcast or online journalism for several years and must have an outstanding professional record. Applications by entry-level journalists or students will be rejected.

03/01/2018 - 18:40

Ukraine in European Dialogue Junior Visiting Fellowships 2018/2019

The Institute for Human Sciences (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, IWM) in Vienna has published another new call for application:
Deadline for application: March 18, 2018
This fellowship program aims to support the research of Ukrainian scholars who are completing or have recently completed doctoral studies in a Ukrainian institution of higher education.

29/12/2017 - 13:29

Zmarła prof. Maria Nietyksza


20/12/2017 - 12:58

Odwołany dyżur Dr Szabat

Szanowni Państwo

Dnia 20 grudnia mój dyżur nie odbędzie się. W sprawach pilnych proszę o kontakt mailowy.
Za utrudnienia przepraszam.

